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Akcie.cz»Zpravodajství»Firemní zprávy»NWR saves millions thanks to Continuous Improvement...


NWR saves millions thanks to Continuous Improvement initiative

31.03.2010 10:55:00 | RM-SYSTÉM, česká burza cenných papírů
Amsterdam, 31 March 2010 – New World Resources N.V. (“NWR“ or the “Company“) has in partnership with its employees achieved a further improvement in working and safety conditions at its mining workplaces. The progress was attained under subsidiary OKD's Continuous Improvement programme which also brought NWR savings of almost EUR 3.9 million in 2009.

The programme provides OKD employees with the opportunity to volunteer their ideas for increasing safety at work, improving working conditions and delivering operational savings. A reward of almost EUR 40 is paid out to any worker who submits a proposal that is accepted, while additional sums are provided following the realisation of improvements in relation to achieved results. A team involved in the implementation of a concrete measure is also evaluated for a financial reward.

The submitter of an accepted proposal is made a member of the team in charge of implementing his idea in practice. He or she participates in the realisation of the idea and follows the resulting gains.

"In my opinion, the biggest motivation for many workers is a particular opportunity to participate in initiatives that bring benefits and a simplification of work at their workplaces. We have not only brought about significant savings with this programme, but we have also managed to achieve what to us is the main reward and priority, better safety at our mining workplaces," said Leo Bayer, OKD Director of Operations, summarising the initial results of the project.

Encouraged by the demonstrable successes achieved last year, the Continuous Improvement programme is continuing this year.

For further information please contact:

New World Resources N.V.
Corporate communications
Tel.: +420 225 282 163
E-mail: petra.masinova@okd.cz
New World resources N.V.

New World Resources N.V. is the sole owner of OKD, a.s., the Czech Republic's largest hard coal mining company and one of the largest producers in central Europe by revenue and volume. Serving customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Hungary and Germany, in 2009 the Company produced 11Mt of coal and 843 kt of coke.

Website: www.newworldresources.eu

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